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Now to the story...


National Indigenous political party launched

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 10 May 2004


A new political party for Indigenous Australians could be up and running in time for the Federal election.

The party, called Your Voice, was launched at rally outside Victorian State Parliament this morning.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission's (ATSIC) Victorian commissioner Troy Austin hopes the party will attract votes from non-Indigenous Australians disappointed with setbacks in reconciliation and black deaths in custody.

He says the party is not a knee-jerk reaction to the Government's decision to scrap ATSIC.

"The fight now is not about saving ATSIC as such but it is about making sure that Indigenous voice is continued to be heard in this state and in this country," he said.

Sacked ATSIC leader Geoff Clark has called on Australians to vote for the new party at the election.

"We're not out there to get a million votes like One Nation," he said.

"We're not the alternative party but we are the Indigenous people and those people who support Indigenous people should now take that extra step.

"I would appeal to them to take that extra step, particularly in the marginal seats, give us the 2,000, 3,000 votes that will make a difference in this election."

Mr Clark says it is possible he will stand as a candidate for the party.


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