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Classics strike right note with itinerants

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 7 May 2004


In the Northern Territory, the Katherine Region Tourist Association says it has been able to significantly reduce anti-social behaviour around the local visitors' centre by playing classical music.

The association's Bill Daw says it has had a lot of problems with itinerants and locals drinking alcohol, arguing and sleeping on the grass around the centre.

But he says for the past month they have been playing classical music, including works by Mozart, which has reduced the problem.

"It's been about 70 per cent effective," he said.

"It's certainly reduced the number of calls to authorities about itinerancy."

But not everyone believes the classical music works.

Davis Turner is with the local Aboriginal foot patrol.

He regularly moves people on from the area and says the recent use of country music was much more effective.

"When Mozart was on we had heaps of people just sitting around here drinking, loving the music, going to sleep on it as well," Mr Turner said.

"You've got some country music coming out of the speakers, you have nobody sitting around here anymore, nobody sitting around drinking or enjoying country music.

"For some reason they've all moved on."


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