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Indigenous advocates seek legal aid plan boycott

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 23 April 2004


The Northern Territory Aboriginal Justice Advocacy Committee says putting Indigenous legal aid services out to tender will turn the clock back 30 years.

The Federal Government claims Aboriginal people are not getting value for money from the services.

It wants public and private legal bodies to bid for contracts.

Representatives from the Northern Territory advocacy body and its South Australian organisation will gather today at the Adelaide office of the Indigenous Affairs Minister.

The Territory committee's Chris Howse says he is worried about service quality if dedicated Aboriginal organisations are sidelined.

"In front of Senator Vanstone's office [we will] call for a national boycott by every Aboriginal legal aid service in the country of Senator

Vanstone's policy," he said.

"We feel the situation is extremely grave and such a non-cooperation with her direction and her policy would be warranted in the circumstances."


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