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Payback brings harmony to community: lawyer

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 26 March 2004


The lawyer for a Lajamanu man who has been accused of breaching his bail by volunteering himself for traditional punishment says the act has brought harmony back to the man's Northern Territory community.

Jeremy Anthony has been charged with manslaughter and was granted bail in the Northern Territory Supreme Court on the condition he did not return to Lajamanu, south-east of Katherine.

Chief Justice Brian Martin said traditional punishment could inflict grievous harm and that would be an unlawful act.

Anthony's lawyer Peter O'Brien says his client had to submit to traditional law to ensure stability in the community.

"There is peace within the community. People who had moved out because they were concerned for reprisals, people who'd taken off because they were concerned because the law hadn't been metered out have now moved back and are moving back, so harmony's back and restored in Lajamanu," he said.


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