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Call for royal commission in Redfern death

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 24 March 2004


People from the Aboriginal community at Redfern in Sydney's inner-west and their supporters are marching to State Parliament to demand a royal commission into the circumstances surrounding the death of teenager Thomas Hickey.

The 17-year-old's death sparked last month's riot in Redfern.

The protesters are on their way to Parliament and earlier gathered at the Aboriginal community known as "The Block" in Redfern.

They intend to present a 17-point demand for a royal commission to the Government and the Opposition.

Among the points is a demand that the commission replace four separate inquiries already underway into Thomas Hickey's death last month.

The Redfern community blamed police for the incident, which they believe was part of a wider problem of mistreatment by police of Aboriginal youths across the State.


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