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Now to the story...


Sacked media adviser hits out at Premier's trip

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 8 March 2004


The media adviser sacked because she took a bottle of wine into a dry Aboriginal community in Queensland has criticised the Premier's trip to Lockhart River to apologise for the incident.

Teresa Mullan says she cannot believe how the affair has blown out of control with the matter now under investigation by the Crime and Misconduct Commission and the police.

She says the flight in the Government jet to make a public apology was a waste of money.

"I think that if you put together the cost of the Premier's salary, the Minister's salary, the director-general's salary, the pilots' salaries, the cost of the flight up there and back, if you combine all that money it would have been better invested in some Indigenous scholarships or some learning support for Indigenous children instead of putting the Premier's face on the front page of the newspaper," she said.


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