Australian Aboriginal News & Current Affairs

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Indigenous call centre opens in Townsville

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 25 February 2004


Residents of Indigenous communities now have access to trained telecommunications staff who understand their culture, languages and problems.

Telstra has opened Australia's first Indigenous call centre in Townsville, in north Queensland, which will take calls from Aboriginal and Islander customers all over the country.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission regional councillor Jenny Pryor says many Indigenous Australians who rarely speak in English will benefit from the service.

"There is still a lot of our people where English is their third language and I think by having our own Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander people as part of an Indigenous call centre at Telstra, it increases the level of service delivery," she said.

"Our people will see it as a...friendlier service and take full advantage knowing that they're talking to one of their own people."


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