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Aboriginal academic brands Qld minister racist

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 21 February 2004


An Indigenous academic is calling on the Queensland Government to apologise for comments made by new Child Protection Minister Mike Reynolds.

Mr Reynolds has told a Queensland newspaper the practice of placing abused or vulnerable Aboriginal children with Aboriginal carers will be abandoned if there is a chance the abuse could continue.

Associate Professor Boni Robertson says Mr Reynolds' statement is racist and smacks of the philosophies that lead to the Stolen Generation.

"That was the absolute foundation of the Stolen Generation so are we going to see history repeat itself? I hope not," he said.

"I would be prepared, as would many of our women and our men, to work with government, including Mr Reynolds to help do something about the child sexual assault that is going on in this country and in this state."

The Minister says he is committed to the care of Indigenous children, who are over-represented in the protection system.

He says the Department will strive to place Indigenous children in Indigenous families but special consideration must be given to situations in which prospective carers are a member of the child's family or community.


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