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Now to the story...


Clark ATSIC case adjourned for a week

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 15 January 2004


Suspended Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) leader Geoff Clark says he is pleased to hear a decision will be made about his future by the end of next week.

Clark launched legal action against his suspension as chairman of ATSIC, after all but one conviction arising from a pub brawl in the Victorian town of Warrnambool were overturned.

But he has agreed to adjourn the Federal Court case until after Indigenous Affairs Minister Amanda Vanstone decides his status.

Outside court he said he is optimistic about the outcome, but would not comment on his case.

"They're legal questions and I can't make any comments on those, because as you know there has been an adjournment so effectively we're still in court," he said.

In other developments:
The Federal Court in Melbourne has been told Geoff Clark's suspension as the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) leader is no longer legal.


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