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Plans afoot for first Indigenous university

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 28 August 2003


The management council of the Batchelor Institute in the Northern Territory says it is considering proposals to become Australia's first Indigenous university.

The council's chairman, Gatjil Djerrkura, says the idea is on the agenda of a council meeting in Alice Springs today.

"We will be working towards a timeframe and I have said publicly in my graduation speeches in the last two graduations of our commitment and now putting that commitment into action I think is the next phase," he said.

The Batchelor Institute will hold its graduation ceremony in Alice Springs today.

More than 100 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students will graduate from a range of fields including education, health, environmental management, linguistics and broadcasting.

Mr Djerrkura says the newly qualified students have important roles to play in the community.

"It's a very important process in Indigenous self-management, self-determination, ownership, and empowerment of people," he said.

"I think that's important and it's people taking on responsibility for their own in the future and the families in the communities."


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