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Black amputee wins right to matching foot

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 26 August 2003


A black woman in Britain has won the right to be given an artificial foot which matches her skin colour, after first being told to make do with a white one.

The patient was originally offered a white replacement foot because it was cheaper.

Ingrid Nicholls, 46, who is about to have her foot amputated, says she felt angry and hurt after the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading showed her a range of white prosthetic replacements.

She was told there was no funding under the National Health Service for black limbs and that if she wanted one she would need to pay for it privately at a cost of $7,000.

After taking her story to the media and becoming front page news, Ms Nicholls has received the promise of a black foot and an apology.

By Michael Dodd in London


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