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Now to the story...


Aboriginal mariners near end of historic voyage

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 9 June 2003


A ship crewed by Aboriginal mariners and one European trainer will sail through the heads of Sydney Harbour today to complete its two-year circumnavigation of Australia.

The Tribal Warrior is expected to be greeted by a flotilla of supporters after visiting Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities around the country.

The ship's coxswain, James Newman, says that by coincidence, their homecoming is 200 years to the day after Mathew Flinders and Aboriginal man, Bungaree sailed into Sydney Harbour at the end of their two-year voyage.

"One of the trainers is a white guy so I think its quite ironic that we should have a token white fella on board and Flinders had a token Aboriginal guy on board in Bungaree."


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