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Now to the story...


Fight continues to stop gold mine

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 22 May 2003


Aboriginal elder Neville Williams has lodged an application for a fresh injunction in the Federal Court to stop the development of an open cut mine at Lake Cowal, near West Wyalong in central NSW.

The action comes just days after a Land and Environment Court ruled an earlier challenge by Mr Williams against the mine had failed.

Alan Oshlack, who is representing Mr Williams, says the new injunction action is one of 12 separate litigations he is overseeing against mining company Barrick Gold.

Mr Oshlack says his client will fight the mine until it closes.

"Mr Williams, you know he has fought many fights in his life, and he's not a person who gives up easily in these matters, and we might lose a round here and there, but there's a lot of rounds left until we're knocked out," he said.


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