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Now to the story...

Govt highlights Indigenous domestic violence

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 15 Jan 2003

Family and Community Services Minister Amanda Vanstone says Indigenous
women are 45 times more likely to be victims of domestic violence than
non-Indigenous women.

Senator Vanstone has announced Government grants of about $250,000 for
domestic violence projects at Titjikala, south of Alice Springs, and
Intjartnama, near Hermmansburg.

Senator Vanstone says those communities are in a "high need" category.

She says solutions are needed urgently.

"No level of violence is satisfactory but to be 45 times at greater risk
than non-Indigenous women is completely unacceptable and that's what these
projects are aimed at," she said.

Senator Vanstone says the money will fund projects that involve the whole

"In one project in the [Northern] Territory, children, young people, men
and women are going to negotiate and mediate together and a community team
will be established to work with the community as a whole," she said.

"In another project, the whole community are going to be involved in
cultural and recreation strategies."

Funding has also been provided to two communities in Western Australia.




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