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Now to the story...

New CD ROM to help doctors break down language barriers

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 27 Nov 2002

A doctor from East Arnhem Land says a new CD ROM developed for medical
practitioners in the region will help break down language barriers with
Aboriginal patients.

Doctor Steve Bryce from the Gapuwiyak Health Centre has helped develop the

He says it is recently been introduced to the region to help medical
practitioners learn key Yolngu terms and cultural ethics.

"Miscommunication is such a big problem in this part of the world and it's
responsible for a lot of medical mishaps and a lot of bad outcomes in
health," he said.

"And I think that if health staff can take one step towards the Yolngu by
starting to learn their language, I think we're one step closer to dealing
with that big problem."



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