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Now to the story...

NT police officer to quit snorkelling after brush with croc

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 26 Nov 2002

A Northern Territory police officer who was attacked by a two metre
crocodile while swimming off Groote Eylandt says he is not going
snorkelling again for a while.

Constable Angelo De Nalesuffered cuts and puncture wounds to his back and
shoulder when he was attacked from behind as he swam towards the beach.

He says he felt a heavy whack on his shoulder before seeing the crocodile
swim past his face.

"I was more stunned than terrified," he said.

"It wasn't until I sort of started swimming to shore and I actually had to
take shelter on a large bommie which is like a bit of coral which was
semi-submerged, it was about 20 centimetres underneath the water. I sat on
that and just watched it sort of swim by and sort of kept a lookout then
swam to shore about 10 or 15 minutes later when I thought it was safe."



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