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Now to the story...

Mine dispute escalates as protesters stage barricade over land use deal

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 19 Nov 2002

Several meetings involving senior mine managers and more than 150
Aboriginal protesters have failed to resolve a dispute at the giant
Pasminco Century Zinc mine in north-west Queensland.

Demonstrators have barricaded themselves in the dining area, angry over
the first review of a land use deal between the mine's operators and the
area's traditional owners.

Waayni spokesman Bradley Foster says frustration has been building for
some time.

"There's been a process since last year in November, since the review has
started and that has been a combination of writing letters from the Land
Council that represents the Waanyi nation to the state and Pasminco, and
we have a file a couple of inches thick," Mr Foster said.

"You know, we want to ensure that there's an even process in place and
that it's done in good faith, but so far there's been no good faith coming
back from the other parties."



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