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Now to the story...

Croc attack victim's body recovered

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 23 Oct 2002

Northern Territory authorities have recovered the body of a tourist
attacked by a saltwater crocodile in Kakadu national park overnight.

The 24-year-old German tourist was taken by a crocodile while swimming
with other travellers in Sandy Billabong, east of the Kakadu Highway near
Nourlangie Rock.

Police commander Max Pope says a four-metre saltwater croc was harpooned
in the area early this morning.

"The wildlife rangers managed to harpoon what was a 13-foot crocodile," he

"At that time it had the deceased person with it.

"I'm unsure whether the crocodile has been captured since the harpooning,
but the harpooning caused the croc to let go of what he had."

Police say the woman was swimming with eight other people from a tour
group at about 11:30pm ACST.

They say the group was about 10 metres from the shore in two metres of



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