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Now to the story...

Police concerned at increased Arnhem Land cannabis use

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 10 Oct 2002

Northern Territory Assistant Police Commissioner Doug Smith says police
have been aware for some months of the increase in cannabis use in remote
Arnhem Land communities.

A report by Darwin's Menzies School of Health Research found cannabis use
has almost doubled in some communities, and the region is now recording
the highest rate of use anywhere in Australia.

Mr Smith says police are working with the communities to address the
growing problem.

"There's been an increase in the charges that deal with the supply of
cannabis in the communities, and we're working with the communities
themselves to try and address the problem," he said.

"It's not just a question of cannabis use, it's a question of substance
abuse generally in those communities, and it's an issue that we've always
been quite aware of."



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