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Now to the story...

Aboriginal group asks for citywide dry zone to be rejected

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 8 Oct 2002.

The Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement has asked the South Australian
Government to reject an extension to Adelaide's citywide dry zone trial.

And the group also plans a formal complaint to the Human Rights and Equal
Opportunity Commission.

In a four-page letter, the Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement calls for the
proper implementation of the 1984 Public Intoxication Act and claims key
aspects of sobering up centres have not been implemented.

The movement's chief executive, Neil Gillespie, says the Government is
wasting money by shifting alcohol-related problems out of the CBD, instead
of addressing the cause.

"These sobering up centres have never been implemented and the police
should be diverting these people to these centres, but unfortunately
successive governments have failed in their responsibility and all we are
asking is the Attorney- General not extend the dry zone because it's
clearly been a failure," he said



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