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Now to the story...

Call for Stolen Generations apology renewed

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 8 Sept 2002.

There have been renewed calls for the Federal Government to apologise to
the Stolen Generations.

The call came from former residents of the notorious Kinchela Boys' Home
on the mid-north coast of New South Wales.

It was an emotionally charged day for the 50 former residents of Kinchela
Boys' Home who came back to face their past.

Dressed in black with black armbands, the men filed into the grounds to be
greeted by a smoking ceremony.

Some of the men shared their stories of being told by staff their parents
were dead and of being conditioned to think Aborigines were primitive

The majority of the men have battled alcoholism, drug addiction and most
have spent time in jail.

While the New South Wales Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Andrew
Refshauge, apologised again on behalf of the Carr Government, the Federal
Government was absent.

The chairwoman of the National Sorry Day Committee, Audrey Kinnear, said
the boys would now seek help from the United Nations.



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