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Now to the story...

Don't lose faith with native title, tribunal tells Aborigines

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 5 Sept 2002.

Aboriginal Australians have been urged to persevere with the native title
process despite its flaws, at a national native title conference in
Geraldton, Western Australia.

National Native Title Tribunal spokesman Tony Lee admits the native title
process is flawed.

He says it is based on racial superiority and imposes white man's land
laws on Aboriginal people.

However, he says it does offer Aboriginal people some power, allowing the
traditional owners a voice in the use of their lands.

"It is the only safeguard for Aboriginal people, don't knock it down and
start another one because it looks broken," he said.

Mr Lee has urged the West Australian Government to follow the lead of some
of the bigger mining companies who are developing and implementing good
practices with the native owners.



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