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Now to the story...

Yolngu-language radio service to teach life skills

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on Aug 16th, 2002.

A new community radio service to be broadcast in the Yolngu language of
north-east Arnhem Land, will teach essential life skills.

The Aboriginal Resource and Development Services group says the facility
will create a virtual classroom for non-English speakers to understand how
things such as the banking process works.

The services' Richard Trudgen says the broadcasts will help Indigenous
understanding of contemporary issues.

"The people in Arnhem Land and other Indigenous people right across
Australia who are English second language, not English first language
people... have almost no access to a self-learning medium," he said.

"Once [the system] is understood by people and people do appreciate it,
everybody will be saying, 'hey we need this'."




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