Australian Aboriginal News & Current Affairs
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Now to the story...

Research to spark rethink on indigenous history

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on Aug 5th, 2002.

Research commissioned by the Gunditjmara people in south-west Victoria
looks set to revolutionise theories about the way Aborigines lived before
white settlement.

Archaeologist Heather Builth, of Adelaide's Flinders University, says she
has evidence from Lake Condah that shows Aborigines living along the coast
were more sedentary and advanced in their land use than previously

She says the local Aborigines made large scale changes to water flows to
grow and harvest eels all year round.

"There would have been lots of wooden parts to the structure, but they've
gone, but the stones are still there - the basis of the foundation for
what they did is still there and, of course, excavation through rocks are
there as some have got filled in with sediment but, yes, they're
available," she said.




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