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Now to the story...

Aboriginal artefacts, caves found in Tasmania

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 8 December 2004

Aboriginal artefacts and cave systems have been discovered in an area of Tasmanian forest planned for logging.

The Wilderness Society has obtained documents through freedom of information which reveal a geologist found the caves and artefacts during an inspection of a coupe in the Florentine Valley.

Geoff Law from the society says he is concerned that only pockets will be preserved under the Federal Government's forestry plan.

"We're calling on the Federal Government to deliver on its promise which includes protection of the Florentine Valley," Mr Law said.

"These documents show that the value inside the Florentine Valley - the caves as well as the Aboriginal heritage and the tall eucalypts - provide a compelling case to add the area to the Tasmanian world heritage area."

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