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Aboriginal MP slams curfew, alcohol bans

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 6 December 2004

Western Australian Aboriginal MP Carol Martin has accused Indigenous leaders of being out of touch with reality, following proposals that curfews and alcohol bans be introduced in Aboriginal communities across Australia.

Aboriginal leaders have reached a broad agreement with the Prime Minister John Howard to tackle the continuing problems of alcoholism and violence in communities.

Curfews and alcohol bans have been raised as possible solutions.

Ms Martin has described such measures as unworkable and believes they would penalise Aboriginal people who are doing the right thing in communities.

"There's 500 people there and 30 are stuffing up - why would you want to apply an unjust system to 500 of them when there's 30 that need it?" she said.

"Identify where the problems are and then apply restrictions or programs that actually deal with the problem."

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