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Now to the story...


Vanstone worried by books of corporation once led by ATSIC boss

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 10 March 2004


The Indigenous Affairs Minister has aired concerns in Federal Parliament about the finances of an Aboriginal corporation formerly led by ATSIC Commissioner Ray Robinson.

Senator Amanda Vanstone has appointed a special auditor to the Queensland South Representative Body.

She says it has found that $1 million, a quarter of the organisation's grant funding, was paid out in cheques made out to cash.

The Minister has told Parliament that many of the cheques were for unspecified meeting expenses.

Senator Vanstone says the audit findings clearly refute claims by Mr Robinson that the investigation was trivial.

"I'm sure Senators and Members who fill out their travel forms and account for every dollar they spend understand that $20,000 being for claimant group meetings with not enough detail is simply unsatisfactory," Senator Vanstone said.


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