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Carr '100pc behind' Redfern police

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 22 February 2004


New South Wales Premier Bob Carr says police in inner Sydney have always had the Government's full support over the handling of last weekend's riot in Redfern.

Members of the Police Association are meeting on Monday to discuss what they say is their disappointment and anger over the official response to the riot.

Association president Ian Ball says the officers feel like they are being treated as though they did something wrong.

"They are a crew of very young people and they are very annoyed and very upset," he said.

The association has played down newspaper reports suggesting officers may declare work bans in Redfern.

Mr Carr says the New South Wales Government has never questioned the police response to the riot.

"I have made it very, very clear right from the start [of] our full 100 per cent backing for the police in Redfern - there can be no doubt about that," he said.

"I said from the start, the Government of New South Wales backs the police in the frontline at Redfern and will give them whatever resources they need to do their job ... in keeping the streets of Redfern safe and in bearing down on the criminality that has been manifest there a week ago."

New South Wales Opposition leader John Brogden has urged the state's police officers not to declare Redfern's "Block" area a no-go zone.

Mr Brogden says nothing would be gained by allowing Redfern to become lawless.

"I don't want them to turn Redfern into a no-go area but I can understand why they are angry and why they are sick and tired of being treated like targets, like sitting ducks by this Government," Mr Brogden said.


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