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Traditional owners win native title rights in Kimberley

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 8 December 2003


The Federal Court has granted traditional owners in the north Kimberley native title rights to a large parcel of land in the region.

It is the largest native title claim to come before a court in Australia for determination.

The Wanjina Wunggurr Wilinggin claim covers more than 60,000 square kilometres of land between Derby and Wyndham - an area roughly the size of Tasmania.

Justice Sundberg found the claimants have maintained a connection to the land by continuing to observe traditional laws and customs.

Kimberley Land Council executive director Wayne Bergmann says the claimants have essentially been granted exclusive possession in areas where native title has not been extinguished.

"I think it's a very strong decision, the judge has found that Ngarinyin traditional owners are entitled to look after their country against all others, their native title has been formally and fully recognised," he said.


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