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Now to the story...

Aborigines begin leaving Century mine as Barton ends protest

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 25 Nov 2002

Aboriginal protesters have started to leave Pasminco's Century Zinc Mine
in north-west Queensland, where they have been demonstrating for more than
a week.

The Waanyi Aboriginal people were protesting over what they claim were
serious breaches of the Gulf Communities Agreement by Pasminco and the
Queensland Government.

The breakthrough came this afternoon when the State Development Minister,
Tom Barton, visited leaders at the mine to hear their concerns.

One of the leaders, Murrandoo Yanner, says Mr Barton's response is what
they wanted to hear.

Pasminco's Trevor Shard says he is pleased with the outcome.

"We cannot operate the mine without the support of the local community and
we want to work very hard, we want to do whatever we can to ensure that we
have that community support," Mr Shard said.

Mr Yanner says protesters are hoping to be out of the canteen and off the
mine site by lunchtime tomorrow.



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