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Now to the story...

Stand-off continues in Century mine dispute

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 22 Nov 2002

A stand-off between the operators of the Century zinc mine in north-west
Queensland and a group of Aboriginal protesters is continuing.

Talks are underway between Pasminco and 150 Aboriginal protesters who took
over the mine's kitchen and canteen on Sunday.

Police remain at the massive mine.

Pasminco's Trevor Shard says the company has agreed to hold a meeting with
tribal elders to discuss how disputed Aboriginal artefacts can be safely
removed from the site.

"This is an issue of great cultural significance to [the] Waanyi people
and that's why we're taking the issue very seriously," Mr Shard said.

"I mean the broader issues are those relating to the Gulf Communities
Agreement Review and that involves not just Pasminco and Waanyi people but
other native title goups that were signatories to the agreement."



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