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Now to the story...

Native title laws are not working: Beattie

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 30 Oct 2002

Queensland Premier Peter Beattie has told a mining conference in Brisbane
that neither Queensland nor the Federal Government's native title laws are

Mr Beattie says the way forward may be to take the best of both systems
and develop a new regime.

The Premier says the key feature of Queensland's laws, which is the right
to negotiate, remains the best way of boosting exploration.

"We will go back as best as we possibly can to the federal system to get
it to work," he said.

"I want to make it clear that in my view there has been no significant
benefits out of native title for the mining people or indigenous people,
so that's why we're considering one more set of changes here to try to
streamline and make it better."



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