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Now to the story...

Biologist records plant and animal details in Aboriginal languages

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 7 Sept 2002.

A Northern Territory ethno-biologist has welcomed $50,000 in funding for
Aboriginal communities to preserve their knowledge of plants and animals.

Glen Mitchell Whiteman works with Top End communities and has recorded the
details of up to 4,000 plants and animals in as many as 60 Aboriginal

Mr Mitchell Whiteman says many of the plant species could be packaged and
sold to tourists as part of a small business enterprise.

He says a lot of the information is culturally based.

"It gives us indications of the importance of these plants. What they can
actually be used for," he said.

"But from more of a cultural perspective, it's important because it is
peoples life. It is their spirituality. These names, these uses of plants
is what being Aboriginal is all about I guess."



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